Pearls Before Swine Wiki
Pearls Before Swine Wiki

Jef in a cape

Jef the Cyclist (formeley spelled with two f's) is a newer Pearls character that is friends with Pig and Goat. He sometimes wears a cape and is enemies with Rat, The Comic Strip Censors, Victor the Vegan, ect. And when get's angry he calls people (like Rat) fat and lazy. When he first appeared he was shown to be less buff, bald and wore a gray outfit instead of a purple one and also didn't wear sunglasses. He also used to have his named spelled "Jeff" until in an affort to make him more fit he got rid of one f in his name. Jef is a very selfish man, in one comic Jef admitted that he puts all cyclists on Earth over every one else and in a comic by Rat, he shows that cyclists barley even like eachother. Once at "The Confrence of the Self-Righteous", Jef got in a fight with Victor the Vegan, Freddy the Fruitarian and Ernest the Electric Vehicle Driver because their speeches all had the name "Why I'm Better Than You".




Jef's first appearance

Pig and Jef are frienemies, normally Pig and Jef are seen getting along but on occasions, Jef will have a meltdown and scream at Pig, like when Pig comments on Jef's fitness, Jef will stomp on Pig's food or even use steroids to make himself look stronger. Jef has even admitted to thinking that he is superior to Pig.


In Jef's first appearance, he comes over to Pig and Rat's House and says that he is fit and great, when he looks at Rat he tells him he is fat and lazy. This has spun a rivalry with him and Rat.


Goat and Jef are sort of friends, Goat does not appear in the same comic as Jef as much as Rat or Pig does. But when Goat does appear with Jef, Goat doesn't really do anything to the plot of the comic, so it is not clear what Jef's opinion of Goat is. In most comics with Jef and Goat, Goat is mostly fed up or annoyed at Jef's action such as when got neon words spelt on Jef's helmet saying "Hey %#@%face Cyclist Here"